Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Voice Crying Out In The Wilderness

June 17, 2009

I feel like a voice crying out in the wilderness, because that is where the Lord has had me for 26 years. Yes, I am crying out that there is great destruction coming upon this country, warning people what the Lord is about to do to the USA because of its wickedness. But it is also a call to "Prepare ye the way of the Lord"! Prepare yourselves for the coming of the Lord! Prepare yourselves by repentance, forgiveness, prayer and fasting. Prepare yourselves by not rejecting how God has been training you for the times ahead. Realize that it is He who has been testing and trying you in the fires of affliction in order to make you pure and holy for when the Bridegroom comes for His bride. To make gold pure, you put in in the furnace under extreme temperatures - that is what He has been doing to many of you. To make a diamond, you get a lump of coal and put it under immense pressure for many years - He has been doing that to many of you.

He has pulled many of you out of the godless and unholy churches and put you in the wilderness for many purposes. One is so that you can see what actually goes on in the churches by looking at them from the outside. He has pulled you away from them so that you won't be pulled into their false doctrines and theologies. He is teaching you by His Spirit. He is preparing you to minister to those who will have lost faith in their churches, pastors and their own personal faith during the time of judgment which is about to befall our country. He is preparing you to teach them what the truth actually is, not what the foolish "great teachers and prophets" of today have been telling them. He is preparing you to comfort, encourage and build them up, because they will be in great turmoil, in great distress and great doubt when God's judgment is poured out upon this country in the next few years. He has been preparing you to bring in the harvest during that time.

You are His holy remnant. Some of you will be protected and provided for during the coming years. Others of you will be called upon to suffer great persecution, even to death, for your faith. "He that endures to the end will be saved." Many of you already know what great persecution is, I certainly do. Before it is all over we will know even greater persecution than we do now. That is something that God has promised us - persecution and suffering. We are told to "Share in the fellowship of His sufferings" - many of us very intimately know what that is all about.

I call upon you to turn off your televisions and turn on your prayer life and Bible-reading time. Husbands, read the Bible to your wives and children every day without fail. Wash them with the Word. The time for cleansing is at hand. Prepare yourselves and your families for the coming of the Lord, for He is coming back very, very soon! But He will come like a thief in the night, and you must be ready!