Friday, January 22, 2021

The Day Freedom Died, The Death Of The United States Of America


 Today is the day that freedom died in the USA. Today is the day that the United States sounded it's death knell. THREE STRIKES AND YOU'RE OUT - today Biden will sign an executive order revoking the Mexico City Agreement, an agreement that "is a United States government policy that blocks U.S. federal funding for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide abortion counseling or referrals, advocate to decriminalize abortion, or expand abortion services". In other words we did  not fund other countries' groups who counseled for, or provided, abortion. This program was started under Reagan, revoked by clinton, put back in motion by Bush, revoked again by the evil obama, put back as policy by Trump, then revoked again by biden in his first days in office. Three times the democrats told God that they rebuked Him and would defy Him. The third time they did this, today, they signed the death warrant for this nation.

When I got to D.C. in September and went to the Capitol it was fenced off and I could not get to the steps to pray - this was the day after the Repentance Gathering.  So I had to go to a bench just outside the fencing where I prayed in the Spirit for 1 1/2 hours. I didn't think much of it until today when God let me know it was HE who put the fencing up so that I could not get to the Capitol and pray on the steps. He was the one who prevented any prayers being prayed for this nation after so few people showed up for the gathering the day before.  Yesterday He gave me these verses to let me know why He prevented me from praying on the steps of the Capitol: Jer 7:16 - So do not pray for this people nor offer any plea or petition for them; do not plead with me, for I will not listen to you. Jer 11:14 - Do not pray for this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their distress. Jer 13:14 -  I will smash them one against the other, parents and children alike, declares the Lord. I will allow no pity or mercy or compassion to keep me from destroying them. 

There will be no more mercy for this country, no more patience by God - He has had enough!

 On the way back home from my trip to D.C. back in September I was very, very angry at God because He didn't do for me a couple of things that He led me to believe He was going to do for me while I was on that trip. By the time I got home I was enraged at Him! Then after a few days I got over it and I calmed down. I didn't think much of it after that. 

But after Trump lost the election and then the GOP lost control of the Senate when the two democrats in Georgia won the runoff election in January, God brought back to my mind how I felt after my trip to D.C. a few months ago.  It was then I realized that I was feeling His rage at this nation after so few Christians showed up in D.C. at the Repentance Movement in September. The latest estimate I have seen was that fewer than 50,000 people showed up at that gathering. Here are the figures from some previous marches in D.C.: 

1987 - 500,000 showed up for the homosexual rights march

1989 - 550,000 showed up for a march FOR abortion

1993 - 300,000 showed up for a homosexual rights march 

1995 - 850,00 for the Million Man March

2000 - 400,000 for the homosexual rights march

2004 - 750,000 for abortion rights march

2017 - 1,500,000 for abortion and homosexual rights march

2020 - less than 50,000 showed up to repent for this nation's sins. 

Do those figures stun you? They do stun me. Can you imagine how God must have felt when so few people showed up in D.C. for the most important march in this nation's history!! It showed Him how little the Christians of the USA really care for Him and what's important to Him. Can you imagine if the Supreme Court outlaws abortion how many women will be rioting in rage in D.C. !!! But very few Christians cared enough to go to D.C. to repent for this nation's sins. 

 Yes, the Supreme Court will outlaw abortion in the near future and the nation will be enraged! What will the churches do about this? Nothing. There are really few Christians who truly care about the abomination of abortion. Many have friends who believe that it is a good thing to slaughter a baby while it's still in it's mother's womb, and they will stand up for that friend's right to believe that. They will stand up for evil, believing it is a woman's right to approve of abortion. Those so-called "Christians" will share in the sins of those evil friends and the blood of the babies who are torn apart limb by limb in their mother's wombs because they stood by and said nothing. 

I thought that after the gathering in D.C. that God would have mercy on this country and that He would have Trump re-elected, but now I understand why that didn't happen - God was enraged that so few people cared enough to repent for this country's abominations. I still remember God telling me "three" regarding Trump, and I thought it meant that he would be in office for three more years. Obviously I was wrong in my understanding of that. 

On Dec. 6 , 2019 I posted a message on here titled "Demons Of Hatred Unleashed". In there I said "The demons of HATRED have been unleashed upon this nation and will get much, much worse next year. Just a peek at the impeachment hearings show how evil and filled with HATRED the liberals have become." The liberals were filled with unbelievable hatred toward a President, like we've never seen before. Then George Floyd was killed and the blacks once again began rioting, burning and looting causing even more hatred. The nation's news media were so biased and filled with such hatred for Trump that they raised the bar of hatred even more when the election came near. 

In that message I also said this "Something else that will greatly increase in the USA is America's blacks killing each other. They HATE each other so much that they presently kill one another at rates higher than all the other races combined do. Those numbers will skyrocket next year." That certainly has happened and the latest figures I've read state that in 2020 black-on-black murders have gone up over 50% in most major cities.

I also said "Lawlessness will greatly rise next year also. The crime rates will soar. HATRED will increase like never before." That speaks for itself, it certainly has occurred. Would any of you ever have believed that we would see the far left taking over areas of major cities and banning the police from those areas?

In that same message I also said "Next year we will see several Congressmen and Senators assassinated." The Lord told me that we would see several members of Congress assassinated and I thought He meant that it would happen in 2020. Obviously I was wrong on when it was going to  happen, but it will most certainly happen soon. 

Now that the democrats have complete control of the government we will see depravity and decadence like this nation has never seen. There will be no turning back to more innocent days. What can you do about all this? Get in your prayer closets and pray like you never have before, asking God to show you how to prepare for the horrors He is about to unleash  upon this wicked, evil nation.

One thing you should not do is turn to your pastors for help. 99% of the pastors in this nation did nothing to tell their flocks the differences in the platforms of the two major parties, how the democrats were for the slaughter of unborn babies and the abominations of homosexuality, lesbianism, transexuality and same-sex marriage. Those pastors were afraid to talk about the election because they were afraid that they might offend some people in their congregations by telling them the truth; they were afraid that those members would be angry and leave the church thereby hurting the financial coffers of the churches. They were afraid of losing members and thus the churches wouldn't have enough money to continue with their huge staffs and many programs, their building funds would deflate. They were afraid to tell their flocks the truth. Now those "leaders" are going to pay for their foolishness.