"O beautiful for spacious skies,for amber waves of grain,for purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain! America! America, God shed His grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea."
This was once a song that filled my heart with pride, a song that I loved to sing, one of the most beautiful songs ever written. Now I cannot sing it. This nation that I once loved has become a habitat for some of the most evil people on earth. It is a nation that rejoices in slaughtering its unborn children. A nation that takes delight in honoring the evils of homosexuality, lesbianism, transexualism, and same sex marriage. A nation that now despises its law enforcement officers and honors criminals, even to the point of welcoming the parents of those criminals to the White House and looking up to them. A nation that once loved and worshipped God but now admires everything that is abominable to Him. A nation filled with every abomination known to man. A nation that revels in evil and parades its sins in the streets.
As I was sitting here a little while ago I was given a vision of what the political parties are really concerned with - and none of their thoughts are with God. None of them are truly worried about what God wants. None of them care about God. They are only concerned with power. They are a bunch of empty-headed fools fighting over things that mean nothing without God's leadership. Our national motto, "In God We Trust", has no meaning anymore.
God is on the verge of destroying this wicked nation, it has in fact already begun. It's only going to get worse.