Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Last Call

This is the sign I had made for the street side of my house. The verse on it is 2Cor 7:14 -
If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from THEIR wicked and evil ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive THEIR sin, and will heal their land. This is the only answer to Covid-19.

Deut 14:2 - For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.

That is what the Lord has called His people to be. That is what we once were. That is what He is calling us to return to NOW. The time for being part of the world is over. It is time to be a people holy unto Him once again. It is time to be filled with the oil (the fruit) of the Holy Spirit so that when Christ soon returns our lamps of love will still be lit. The time for games is over, it is time to become fully committed to the Lord again. It is time for His people to truly REPENT of THEIR wicked and evil ways. It is time to get on your knees before God and cry out to Him, time to ask for His forgiveness for letting yourselves get so involved with worldly things and putting His commands aside. THE TIME IS NOW!!

Covid-19 is a plague sent by God Himself. It is not a conspiracy by the Illuminati, the Elite, the Trilateral Commission, the US Government or whatever fictitious group you may want to blame it on. God sent this plague as judgment for a world that has turned away from Him. He also sent it as the last warning, the last call to repent. It is not something to shove aside. He has sent it to scare people from their wicked ways and back to Him. 

He sent it to close the churches so that people would see their need for Him and to quit playing at church. He sent it to cause people to once again began reading the Bible at home and praying at home instead of just at church on Sundays. He sent it so that people would once again get serious about their Sunday gatherings in HIS NAME, in HIS HOUSE.  "MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER." Unfortunately, it has become anything but that. How many times have you seen churches that actually spend time in prayer? And I'm not talking about a few minutes at the end of the service. The service should be a time of prayer of the people, by the people and for the people. It should be a time of the entire church getting on its face before the Lord and seeking HIS FACE, HIS WILL, HIS PLANS.

He sent it to knock some sense into the pastors and teachers out there so that they would begin calling their flocks to REPENT.  HE WANTS US TO BE HOLY!!  He wants us to give ourselves totally to Him. He wants us to be a light of love and holiness to the world. He wants us to be different than the rest of the world. He doesn't want us to focus on what He can do for us, He wants us to focus on what we can do for Him. He wants us to turn from our focus on material goods and worldly success and instead focus on our hearts which He wants to be pure and holy. You can't serve God and mammon. You pastors and teachers who are telling your flocks that God wants to prosper them and make them wealthy better get your heads out of the sand and start preaching REPENTANCE AND HOLINESS. If not, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Many churches will fold up during this year and next. Most of them needed to fail because they were focused on wealth, prosperity and material things instead of on the things of the Lord. They were proud of how big they are, how many members they have, how many programs they have, the huge buildings, their large staffs, the money they have - they were focused on everything but God. Now is the time of judgment on them and their leaders. 

For you leaders and sheep who have so little respect for the Lord that you go into HIS HOUSE dressed like you're going to a picnic in ragged jeans, shorts, halter tops, etc., you had better get very serious very quickly and show respect to God by the way you dress in HIS HOUSE. You are going there to WORSHIP HIM and you'd better get serious about it NOW.

From now through Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement, on Sept. 27, is a TIME OF REPENTANCE. This is a movement that Jonathan Cahn has recently started and it is most definitely of the Lord. It is a time for the people who are called by His name to repent, pray, seek His face and turn from your wicked and evil ways. If you do, and I believe that His people of the world will actually do this in great numbers and with sorrowful hearts, then HE WILL heal the land of the coronavirus. 

For those of you who are wondering about the One World Government or the New World Order, I'll just say that the USA will not be a factor during that time. God's judgment will have fallen upon this nation and we will have been destroyed. The USA will not be a factor in the last days, thus you don't need to be concerned with things you will have nothing to do with. The USA is Babylon spoken of in Rev. 18. Quit your focusing on all the foolish conspiracy theories that are going around this nation, they are all foolishness meant to scare you and to get your focus off the things of the Lord. Get your mind back on the things of the Lord. Amen.