Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Judgment And Your Arks

 When I go to Washington, D.C. on Sept.27 and get on my knees on the steps of the Capitol Building I will not be praying for mercy for this nation, instead I will be praying for more time for a great harvest of salvation and for more time for His people to prepare their arks for the coming judgment. That is quite different than what I originally thought it would be. I cannot ask God to forgive this wicked nation after we have slaughtered over 60,000,000 unborn babies and overturned God's law of marriage. We now call good "evil" and evil "good". America's fall from God has deepened and accelerated.  Jericho was destroyed because they were sacrificing their children to a false god. So also will America be destroyed. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of sexual immorality. So will America be destroyed.

Since I first began my blog with warnings in 2009 this nation has turned even further away from God and gone deeper into the abyss of evil. There is no hope for this nation to repent, it has gone much too far and the scales of judgment cannot be brought back up.  The darkness is weighing too heavily on those scales. God will not relent regarding His judgment. There will be no forgiveness for America. Not only has the nation itself turned against God, but the churches themselves haven't heeded the warnings of God's prophets. When He gave me the message "The Last Call" in May, He gave me that specific title, it wasn't something I came up with. I didn't realize until two months later what exactly it meant - it meant that this was the last call to repentance, the last call to this nation.  I was stunned when He showed me that, and I know He was serious. He also reminded me that ALL of Nineveh repented, from the king on down, only A FEW in America have repented.

This is the state of today's churches: "I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent." The churches have been warned over and over again for over 50 years now, but they have not listened and they certainly have not repented, nor will they. God has has enough. This year and next thousands of churches will fall apart because of the coronavirus - judgment comes first upon the house of the Lord. I personally hope and pray that most television ministries will fail because they are nothing but thieves and liars, stealing money from the hopeless, the desperate, the widows and the poor. 

It is getting near the time to enter into your arks. I'm not going to go into a long explanation of what that means, I will instead refer you to a message I wrote on this site in December, 2009. I just re-read that message and it is even more applicable today. On Sept. 27 I will be asking God for more time for people to finish their arks. http://watchman2009.blogspot.com/2009/12/your-ark-and-coming-flood.html If the link doesn't work just go to my blog http://watchman2009.blogspot.com/and scroll down to that message. 1 Pet 3:20 - God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. I believe He is VERY, VERY patient right now, but that won't last much longer.

The other thing I will be praying for is for a harvest of souls like this nation had never seen, maybe like the world has never seen. The harvest, and the revival, will come from the streets, not the churches. Remember the parable of the wedding feast when those invited made excuses why they could not come and then the people in the streets and highways were invited in? That time is now. The church people have made all kinds of excuses why they couldn't come. Now the Lord will send the invitations out to the people on the streets - the unwanted, the rejected, the abused, the unwashed. That is where the greatest harvest man has ever known will come from. And we are the ones to invite them into God's wedding feast. Ask Him to show you how and let Him lead you. That will be the revival people have been hoping for for many years now. 

I believe that the two groups who will be in DC on the 26th and who will be asking God for mercy for this nation  will succeed in assuring Trump's re-election and the end of coronavirus. But the Lord also has put three years on my heart regarding Trump. I think that means that he will only serve three more years in office, and I'm not going to speculate on what would cause him to leave the office of President, nor should you. If that is of the Lord He will let us know when it is time for us to know. Guessing why and how would be a foolish thing. 

Will Trump be able to place another conservative Christian jurist on the Supreme Court? There is that possibility because the wicked Judge Ginsberg might die any day and leave an opening on the Court. If that happened most Christians would celebrate, hoping that the law on abortion would be overturned. But remember when the question of abortion came up before the Court recently and Judge Roberts voted with the liberals. Even if the question came up again and abortion was made illegal, when the Dems get back into office they will expand the Court and stack it with liberal judges who will once again make abortion legal. That is what WOULD happen.

The Holy Spirit told me a few months ago that in 7-10 years the curses of Deuteronomy 28 would begin coming to pass upon the USA. Judgment has already begun with the 9/11 attack, the Great Recession in 2008 and the current coronavirus. Before judgment is over over 60,000,000 Americans will die, one life for every unborn baby that was  not allowed to come into the world - yes, that is from the Lord, He HATES seeing His children murdered. 

I have heard that there are some so-called prophets who are telling people that God will protect all His children and that none of them will be harmed. This is utter nonsense.  All the people who died on 9/11 were certainly not heathens, there were many Christians who died that day. Of the 189,000 deaths attributed to Covid-19 man\y have been Christians. In the following years of judgment there will be many, many more of God's people who are killed. Millions in this country will be martyred in the years to come. God has told some people that He will protect them in the years ahead, but certainly not all. Be careful when you hear these foolish "prophecies". "He that endures to the end will be saved". Many are being taught that God will not judge the USA because of its Christians. God judged and destroyed Israel for its sins and He will judge and destroy the USA for its sins.

"It will be a time of great prosperity for His people, but not necessarily prosperity in the way most of you think - get your focus off the things of the world and get it back on things of the Spirit of God" .That is a statement I made in "The Last Call". Unfortunately some have taken it to mean that they would be rich. That is not what I said if you read it carefully. God may very well prosper some of us, but He will certainly NOT prosper ALL of us. Prosperity in spiritual terms means that we will be blessed in the things of the Lord. That could mean the gifts of the Spirit, or in knowledge of His Word, or success in leading people to the Lord. You need to think spiritually about this, not carnally. 

 I just finished reading  Harbinger ll, I actually read it twice, and the rest of this message is a small portion of what was said in it. I was startled and stunned when I read it. It is a book that will reveal things that will shock you, you will never see this nation in the same light ever again. I highly recommend that you read both "Harbinger" and "Harbinger ll". In the past 38 years God has not let me read but only a few Christian books, having me read the Bible 99.9% of the time. The reason was so that I would not let the words and thoughts of others taint my writings. But He specifically had me read David Wilkerson's and Jonathan Cahn's books. I have never come across anyone who puts the things of God together better than Jonathan. He has an anointing that is beyond anything I could comprehend, it is truly amazing. 

Abortion is America's greatest sin. Over 60.000.000 unborn babies have already been slaughtered in their mothers' wombs. Before judgment upon the USA is completed there will be millions more murdered before they can take their first breaths.The stain from the blood of over 60,000,000 babies is too great to be erased. God's judgment will take the lives of over 60,000,000 Americans, one for every baby slaughtered. Israel was judged in the 6th century BC because of child sacrifice, they killed thousands of babies. The USA has slaughtered over 60,000,000. Germany was condemned for killing millions of Jews during the Holocaust, America has killed over 60,000,000 babies.

Abortion was first legalized in 1970 by New York. NYC was the first place to be hit on 9/11. It was also the place that got hit the hardest by the Great Recession in 2008 - Wall Street.  New York has killed more unborn babies than any other state - it is the abortion capital of America.  Jer 19:4 - "they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent." New York  has had more Covid-19 deaths than any other state. .Jer 19:6 - So beware, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when people will no longer call this place Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter. NY legalized abortion up to the time of birth in 2019. When the politicians in New York approved that legislation they all stood up and cheered. They celebrated that abomination and the mayor ordered that the New World Trade Center Tower be lit up to celebrate the occasion. The first Covid-19 case came in early 2020. There were so many deaths in NYC that the morgues and cemetaries could not handle them all, so they sent many to Hart Island. Jer. 19:11 - they will bury the dead in Topheth until there is no more room. NYC will be the first place destroyed when the nuclear bombs and tidal waves hit.

 The initial attack by the Babylonians on the kingdom of Judah was in 605 BC, 19 years later in 586 BC the same army would return to destroy all of Judah. The first part of judgment upon the USA came on 9/11/2001. 19 years later Covid-19 came upon the USA. 19 years from the first judgment, Covid-19, Jeremiah 19. 

Abortion was legalized in the US in 1973. A huge number of those who were adults at that time are still alive - a huge number of those supported abortion and too many of the rest didn't care. Is it any wonder why  Covid-19 hits the older population the worst. The generation that robbed millions of children of their first breath will have many of that generation robbed of their last breaths because of coronavirus. There has been much said lately about the plague striking  blacks the hardest. Blacks abort a higher percentage of their babies than any other race, therefore their death rates by the plague are higher.  

America has been the greatest of all nations, but a nation that turns away from God will lose its crown. Corona is a Latin word that means crown. America is losing its crown. 

When the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973 the wall of God's protection surrounding this nation was breached. On 9/11 a foreign power came through that breach. America didn't heed the warning. Then the Great Recession came in 2008. Nobody listened to that warning. 

In 2015 the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage - the wall of protection was removed and another foreign power was allowed to attack our nation, China where the virus originated. America is now a civilization fallen from God and heading toward judgment. There is no  stopping it. We are following the EXACT PATH that Israel followed to their judgment. 

Jeremiah 7:34 -  I will bring an end to the sounds of joy and gladness and to the voices of bride and bridegroom in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem, for the land will become desolate.

I do believe that because of the groups in DC on Sept. 26 God will heal the land of coronavirus. Jeremiah asked "Is their no balm in Gilead?" One of the companies working on a vaccine is Gilead Scientific.  

This is just a very, very small potion of the info that Jonathan has in "Harbinger ll".  Much of it ties events from as far as the seventeenth century to recent happenings - much of them converging on 9/11, all having been planned by God to show how He plans everything , everything, all of it showing why this nation is being judged. It is absolutely stunning, mind-boggling how it all fits together. I urge you to read his books.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Day Of Repentance


When I first saw Jonathan Cahn's eight minute video titled "the Return" several months ago I was deeply touched because on it he was asking God's people to repent for the sins of this nation, hoping that God would have mercy on this wicked and evil nation. Immediately I had a vision of myself on my knees at the National Mall in D.C. weeping before God and repenting for this country. That is the last thing I want to do because the USA has gone too far and has told God He is not wanted here anymore. I want His judgment to fall on this evil nation. I feel like Jonah felt when he was told to go warn Nineveh. He didn't want to because he thought that God would have mercy on Nineveh and he wanted God's judgment to fall on that city because of their sins. But a prophet doesn't have a choice in the matter, as Jonah found out, we just do what the Spirit of the Lord orders us to do regardless of whether we like it or not. 

Over the past few months I've been hoping that God would not make me do it.  But on Friday Aug. 21 the Holy Spirit told me that I would be driving to D.C., leaving on Sept. 25 and arriving there on the night of the 26th or morning of the 27th. I will go directly to the steps of the Capitol Bldg., get on my knees and with tears and great emotion will repent for the sins of this country. I was even given explicit instructions that I would not be wearing my usual travel shorts and topsiders when in D.C. but would be dressed in a nice shirt, nice slacks and good shoes because this is a very serious occasion. When I'm finished in five or twenty-five minutes I will leave D.C. and my job will be done. That is how God does things.

Last week I received an email from Jonathan Cahn requesting that we fast for the ten days preceding the meeting at the National Mall on the 26th. At 74 I can't fast but one meal a day, but that will be enough. Yes, his hopefully large group will meet at the National Mall on the 26th for a day of prayer and repentance for the USA. Franklin Graham will also be having a large group of people there at the same time praying  for this country. This is from his website:

Want to do something to help our hurting nation? On September 26, join Franklin Graham for a prayer march in Washington, D.C.—from the Lincoln Memorial to the U.S. Capitol.“Our communities are hurting, our people are divided and there’s fear and uncertainty all around us,” said Franklin Graham. “Let’s join together and do the most important thing, and that is to pray. We’re going to pray that God will intervene and save this nation.”

But I was specifically told not to participate in those gatherings, but to be there the day after they leave. The day I will be there is Sept. 27, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Please keep both groups in your fervent prayers during that time. If you can, please fast that day and during the preceding ten days.  If at all possible please come to  D.C. on the 26th and participate with either or both groups. And please keep me in your prayers also during my drive up there as well as on the 27th.  May God bless all of you and may God bless America -  if we repent.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

God's Warnings

Several years ago Jonathan Cahn's book The Mystery Of The Shemitah came out and when I read it I was astounded at the spiritual insight he had into how, when and why God does things. A few days ago God put it upon my mind to read it again - very unusual that I would ever read a book twice. In Chapter 12 he states 1)"If the nation rejects the first shaking and warning it of judgment, there will come another, and another, until the nation either returns to God or descends into the full end of judgment. 2) 'The Isaiah 9:10 Effect' - The attempt of the nation to defy the course of its judgment, apart from repentance, will instead, set in motion a chain of events to bring about the very calamity it sought to avert."

This was to show how the Shemitah took effect after 9/11 when the nation spent only a few weeks back in churches asking God to bless this nation, but there was no repentance, then turned back to its old ways of telling God He is not wanted in our "woke" society. Seven years later the Great Recession happened. In the past few months the walls of protection surrounding  this nation have been penetrated as they were on 9/11. This time it was the Covid-19 virus that has thus far killed over 100,000 people in the USA, over 500,000 worldwide, with many more expected to die in the next few months. On 9/11 there were just over 3.000 people killed by the attack, but the coronavirus has killed many times that number already, with more to come. Does that get your attention about how deadly serious God is this time?

This nation has still not opened its eyes to see what God is doing, how He is warning this nation and the world to repent or face horrible judgment. Then we had the riots, looting, and protesting which killed a number of people and caused $Billions in damages - and that has still not ended, it continues on - that is tearing this nation apart. This nation still has not repented and things will get worse. There are more tragedies coming until God's people in this nation get on their faces and repent of the millions of babies already slaughtered in their mothers' wombs, the collapse of morality with the abominations of homosexuality, lesbianism, transexuality and same-sex marriage being taught as "alternate and acceptable lifestyles",  kicking God out of this nation's government, military, schools, etc., and many more things God hates.

If God's people do not repent, then the curses of Deut. 28 will begin to be poured out upon this nation in seven years. If  His people do repent and turn from their wicked and evil ways, then we will see blessings for a time, depending on whether the repentance lasts. If they do not repent and turn from their wicked and evil ways, then judgment will come. A repentance that only lasts a short time will not protect us from judgment, we must change our ways in order to avoid judgment! Without repentance there will be no revival.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Support Our Police!!

To all our Police Officers: For every evil word spoken against you, there are millions of prayers being spoken over you. We support you and love you. Thank you for protecting us! God bless you all.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Last Call

This is the sign I had made for the street side of my house. The verse on it is 2Cor 7:14 -
If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from THEIR wicked and evil ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive THEIR sin, and will heal their land. This is the only answer to Covid-19.

Deut 14:2 - For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.

That is what the Lord has called His people to be. That is what we once were. That is what He is calling us to return to NOW. The time for being part of the world is over. It is time to be a people holy unto Him once again. It is time to be filled with the oil (the fruit) of the Holy Spirit so that when Christ soon returns our lamps of love will still be lit. The time for games is over, it is time to become fully committed to the Lord again. It is time for His people to truly REPENT of THEIR wicked and evil ways. It is time to get on your knees before God and cry out to Him, time to ask for His forgiveness for letting yourselves get so involved with worldly things and putting His commands aside. THE TIME IS NOW!!

Covid-19 is a plague sent by God Himself. It is not a conspiracy by the Illuminati, the Elite, the Trilateral Commission, the US Government or whatever fictitious group you may want to blame it on. God sent this plague as judgment for a world that has turned away from Him. He also sent it as the last warning, the last call to repent. It is not something to shove aside. He has sent it to scare people from their wicked ways and back to Him. 

He sent it to close the churches so that people would see their need for Him and to quit playing at church. He sent it to cause people to once again began reading the Bible at home and praying at home instead of just at church on Sundays. He sent it so that people would once again get serious about their Sunday gatherings in HIS NAME, in HIS HOUSE.  "MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER." Unfortunately, it has become anything but that. How many times have you seen churches that actually spend time in prayer? And I'm not talking about a few minutes at the end of the service. The service should be a time of prayer of the people, by the people and for the people. It should be a time of the entire church getting on its face before the Lord and seeking HIS FACE, HIS WILL, HIS PLANS.

He sent it to knock some sense into the pastors and teachers out there so that they would begin calling their flocks to REPENT.  HE WANTS US TO BE HOLY!!  He wants us to give ourselves totally to Him. He wants us to be a light of love and holiness to the world. He wants us to be different than the rest of the world. He doesn't want us to focus on what He can do for us, He wants us to focus on what we can do for Him. He wants us to turn from our focus on material goods and worldly success and instead focus on our hearts which He wants to be pure and holy. You can't serve God and mammon. You pastors and teachers who are telling your flocks that God wants to prosper them and make them wealthy better get your heads out of the sand and start preaching REPENTANCE AND HOLINESS. If not, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Many churches will fold up during this year and next. Most of them needed to fail because they were focused on wealth, prosperity and material things instead of on the things of the Lord. They were proud of how big they are, how many members they have, how many programs they have, the huge buildings, their large staffs, the money they have - they were focused on everything but God. Now is the time of judgment on them and their leaders. 

For you leaders and sheep who have so little respect for the Lord that you go into HIS HOUSE dressed like you're going to a picnic in ragged jeans, shorts, halter tops, etc., you had better get very serious very quickly and show respect to God by the way you dress in HIS HOUSE. You are going there to WORSHIP HIM and you'd better get serious about it NOW.

From now through Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement, on Sept. 27, is a TIME OF REPENTANCE. This is a movement that Jonathan Cahn has recently started and it is most definitely of the Lord. It is a time for the people who are called by His name to repent, pray, seek His face and turn from your wicked and evil ways. If you do, and I believe that His people of the world will actually do this in great numbers and with sorrowful hearts, then HE WILL heal the land of the coronavirus. 

For those of you who are wondering about the One World Government or the New World Order, I'll just say that the USA will not be a factor during that time. God's judgment will have fallen upon this nation and we will have been destroyed. The USA will not be a factor in the last days, thus you don't need to be concerned with things you will have nothing to do with. The USA is Babylon spoken of in Rev. 18. Quit your focusing on all the foolish conspiracy theories that are going around this nation, they are all foolishness meant to scare you and to get your focus off the things of the Lord. Get your mind back on the things of the Lord. Amen.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Return


This is the most important message this nation will ever hear. This is the most important event in the history of our nation in modern times. It is a call to 10 days in September ending on Sept. 27, the day of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Jonathan Cahn is putting this together. Go to "Thereturnwebsite.org".

Saturday, March 28, 2020


Today a friend of mine posted this to his Facebook page and I thought it was important enough to post on this site as well.

"Someone has said that if Christians really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless. Did you know that during WWII there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every day at the prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and peace?

There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America. If you would like to participate: Every evening at 8pm Central time, stop what you are doing and spend one minute at 8:00 - 8:01 pm praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, and for a return to a Godly nation. If you have a smart phone set set an alarm to pray from 8:00 - 8:01 pm. Please pass this along to your prayer family and friends. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have."

I would add to that to pray for the citizens and leaders of this nation to repent and turn from their wicked ways. Pray that God would touch the hearts of the politicians of this once-great nation to convict them of their ungodly, sinful ways.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

COVID - 19

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

That is the answer to the coronavirus sweeping this nation.  

On another topic, although connected to this virus, in the first stimulus bill Pelosi and the evil democrats wanted to include funds to further help women wanting an abortion in this nation. I felt the rage of God inside of me when I heard this!!!  I was angry!!! And so was God!!! Fortunately, that provision was taken out of the bill. But there is no doubt in my mind that these evil servants of satan will try to have it included in the huge stimulus bill under consideration in the House today. If they do get it included then this nation better watch out !!!