Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Invasion

 The Invasion of the USA began several years ago but has increased in its intensity lately.No, I'm not talking about a Russian or Chinese invasion, not even a physical invasion, but rather a spiritual invasion. Yes, the invaders are actual humans, but it's the spirits that come with them that are what I'm speaking of. In the past few years it's the inhabitants of Latin American countries who have been allowed into this nation almost without interference, except during the Trump administration's time in office. Supposedly it's to help those people have better lives. When in actuality it's to let them in so that they will eventually be given the right to vote and vote for the Democratic Party which invited them in. Unfettered power is what the liberals' ultimate goal is, they could care less about helping anyone but themselves.

But what is actually happening is the invitation to the powers of spiritual darkness to grow exponentially in the USA. Coming from Latin America is the abomination of Catholicism and the witchcraft that comes with it. The Catholic Church's goal is the worship of dead people, i.e. Mary and the saints, praying to them and worshiping them. The witchcraft of the bread host supposedly being miraculously turned into the body and blood of Jesus. The witchcraft of sprinkling people and objects with "holy water". The priests supposedly having the power to forgive sins and then to give penance for their sins, that "penance" being to pray rote, religious prayers that are meaningless. The demons that come with all that evil are powerful and deceive millions of people in this nation. It is the greatest invasion of evil into a nation in history, and it's only going to get worse. No, I'm not saying that all Catholics are evil because God sees their hearts and that's what He cares about. But Catholicism itself is evil due to its basic premises. 

Then during the evil obama's time in power he invited the wicked power of Islam into this nation. At heart he was a Muslim, not a Christian. He stood against God's chosen people, the Jews, and his actions have caused great judgment upon this nation, judgment which will only get worse when biden does the same.  We can see the results of their folly by the evil little witch from Somalia who hates this nation and everything it stands for, wanting us to be like her home country which she left. The evil spirits of Islam have greatly increased their power in this nation since obama's time in office. 

Next we have invasion of the Muslims from Afghanistan being given every opportunity to emigrate to the USA because they were too cowardly to fight for their own nation. Instead of standing up for what they believed in, they chose to flee to this nation so that we could provide for them. Along with them comes even more of the evil of Islam and what it will do to this once Christian nation. But our government tells us that we must welcome them with open arms and not discriminate against them because of their religion, just accept them and everything will be fine. Spiritually it's causing even more trouble for the USA.

Last, but certainly not the final ones, are the refugees from Haiti whose witchcraft and voodoo caused God to curse their evil nation and send great destruction upon it, both physically and economically. Do you think that they will give up their evil ways when allowed into this country? They will most certainly not! They will only increase the invasion of evil spirits into this once Christian nation called the USA and cause more of God's judgment to be poured out upon this nation. Yet the leaders of our once Christian nation welcome them in, evil spirits and all.

USA, the United States of America - we certainly are not united anymore. We are, in fact, more divided than we have ever been. But not as divided as we will be in the near future. A nation divided against itself WILL NOT STAND. 

What brought this message on? A few days ago I began reading a book titled "The Sisters Of Auschwitz", about two sisters who helped hide Jews during Hitler's time. What struck me the most about it  was how little by little the Germans turned against the Jews and anyone who helped them. How little by little that evil invaded many countries until it ruled them. I see the same thing happening to the USA - little by little the evil that has been allowed into this nation is turning this country against God and His servants. It's only going to get worse until this nation is destroyed by God for its evil. No true follower of the Lord can say "God bless America".


1 comment:

  1. No matter how many times I reread my messages before I post them I eventually find misspellings in them. That happened just now when I saw that I spelled "witch" as "which" in relation to kamala harris. It's now corrected.
