Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Uvalde Scool Massacre

 Once again the schools of this nation have been attacked by an evil person. In Uvalde, TX yesterday there were at least 22 people murdered by an 18-year old gunman. The politicians are already screaming for gun control, they want to take everyone's guns away, except for the one's that the criminals have stolen. They want to blame guns for the problem. The real problem, the real cause for these school shootings, is that this nation has thrown God out of the schools. He has been told that He is no longer allowed to influence the kids and that His principles are not "woke". Instead, every sexual and immoral perversion has been introduced into the schools and the children are being told to worship that, not God. 

These killings will not stop, either in the schools or in this nation until God is put back in place as the head and His principles and the Bible taught in schools. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen.

1 comment:

  1. God is letting us see a raw and in-our- face example of the pure unmitigated evil this depraved society has fallen into in its systematic slaughter and genocide of pre-birth babies (PC termed “abortion”) – so far now up to almost 70 million. We are killing God's creation and His children at a rate never seen before in human history. At the Judgment Adolph Hitler is going to be way, way in the back of a very, very long line of mass murderers mainly from this country (Hitler is only credited with 6 million).

    How the hell can we expect a troubled teenager to have any respect at all for young life if our leaders, up to the highest levels, have no respect for life themselves and rip unborn babies out of their mother’s wombs with impunity? The hypocrisy is beyond unfathomable.

    We are falling into a pattern all societies have fallen into who go into slavery . . . the un-Godliness and wickedness causes people to forsake anything good and to act accordingly, which leads to further socialism and control, which turns into a death spiral down the pit of communism and dictatorship. Ted Cruz today was right – the issue is not gun control (any more than “car control” will stop drunk drivers). The issue is pure evil from the top down in this failing country.

    Rush Limbaugh once said, “A democracy without a religious platform is doomed for failure.” What he was really saying, more specifically, is if you kick God and the Bible out of our “free” society, our society will decay into the debauchery and enslavement to the evilest people alive who are controlled by the devil.
