Sunday, January 20, 2013

Judgment Delayed

On Nov. 1, 2012 I wrote about Hurricane Sandy and this is part of what I put on my blog:

Thursday, November 1, 2012
Hurricane Sandy

On September 1 last year I wrote a message titled "Continuing Catastrophes" on this blog. In it I stated that I believed a hurricane was going to hit this nation like the "fist of God". I thought it was going to happen within a few weeks of writing that message.

Soon after I wrote that message I was speaking to a dear brother-in-Christ who is one of God's hidden prayer warriors, along with his wife. He was telling me that sometimes God had them praying against storms and other "natural" catastrophes, and that sometimes the prayers of the faithful caused disasters to be diverted or lessened.

That was the case a few weeks later when an epic storm hit the sparsely populated coast of Alaska instead of the northwestern states of this nation which are heavily populated. I stated at that time that there may be another hurricane that would hit this nation in the near future and cause great destruction. That happened this week when Sandy hit the northeast coast and caused untold damage. Many were killed and it is estimated that the cost of Sandy will exceed $20 billion. It literally hit this nation like the "fist of God".

What all this showed me is that sometimes God delays His judgment because of the prayers of His people. This is what I am certain has happened to what the Lord had planned for the solar storms hitting this nation and Obama surrendering this country to the Russians before the end of his first term in office. The Lord's prayer warriors have interceded and asked for more time for the Christians of the USA to prepare and to give this nation another opportunity to repent. But, just like the epic storm being diverted and then a year later Sandy hitting this nation, God's judgment will come, just later that we thought.

There is no doubt in my mind at this point that the Lord had originally planned for Obama to be a one-term president and for the solar storms to hit in 2011 or 2012. But He sometimes does delay His plans in order to give the people more time. I thought I was wrong about Obama not being re-elected, that I had missed the Lord, and I apologized for that. However, I am now fairly certain that I had been correct in what I originally said and that God simply delayed His judgment for a short while. What I had prophesied about the solar storms and Obama surrendering this nation to the Russians is still going to happen in God's timing, after a short delay.

The latest I heard about the solar storms is that they are now expected to hit in the next few months, instead of in the past two years. We will wait and see how and when God does these things.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Cliff, very well stated. And this principle is Biblical, also. In Exodus Chapter 32 God, in His anger, declared to Moses on the mountain that He was going to destroy the Israeli people in the desert after they had just built a false God. However, Moses immediately cried out to the Lord to have mercy on them (interceded on their behalf). And in Exodus 32:14, it literally states, “So the Lord changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people.”

    This is still going on today. God declares something, and then He, IN HIS GREAT MERCY, will listen to His true children and give further chance. (And we are all familiar with the story of Jonah and Nineveh.)

    And I will add that I am so grateful for God’s mercy. I, even as I write these words, have things I would dearly like to “clean up” and do better at before I finally meet my Creator face to face. I am very grateful for the extra time He’s giving us to repent and further allow Him to sanctify us. In fact, none of us would even be here right now if it weren’t for His great mercy. He would have destroyed the human race once and for all immediately upon Adam and Eve’s sin if He did not have mercy and give more time for the human race.

    Cliff, never doubt nor harshly judge yourself just because God doesn’t move on something at an exact time or manner in which you believe you heard Him say. Even Jonah in 3:10-4:5 was greatly perplexed and displeased when God “relented concerning the calamity which He had declared He would bring upon them.” God’s mercy and ways are sooo over and above our futile and finite little heads.

